Climbing the Pyramid Of Nonprofit Technology Needs, Part 1 of 2 | Non-Profit Tech Blog

Ein Sehr interessanter Artikel über Organisationsaufbau für Nonprofits.


Hat tip to Sonny Cloward for suggesting that nonprofits should have a Maslow’s hierarchy of needs when it came to implementing nonprofit technology. It was in response to Tweets I made last month stating that social media has been oversold to nonprofits and that they really needed to concentrate on their Web site first. I’m going to circle back to my thinking on social media in the second part of this article. However, it’s high time that a Maslovian hierarchy of nonprofit technology is written for someone who is looking to improve their small (under $5 million in revenue) nonprofit.

via Climbing the Pyramid Of Nonprofit Technology Needs, Part 1 of 2 | Non-Profit Tech Blog.